
Interview with Eisuke Tamoto - Leveraging the appeal of ST to provide investors with a new experience ALTERNA activates Japan's "dormant money"

2024/09/17Editors of Iolite
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STの魅力を活かして投資家にあらたな体験を提供 ALTERNAが日本の“眠れる銭をActivate”するー田本英輔インタビュー

"ALTERNA" efforts to expand ST in Japan

What do you think about the current Web 3.0 field?

Eisuke Tamoto (hereinafter, Tamoto): I think the biggest attraction of security tokens (ST) is that by combining them with utility tokens, etc., it is possible to provide investors with new benefits such as service provision, discounts, and experiences in addition to financial benefits in asset financing. This will make it possible to finance assets that have not been the subject of financing until now as financial products. The assets that are the subject of financing will not be limited to real assets such as real estate, but will also expand to intangible assets such as copyrights.

I think the challenge with ST is how to balance the appeal of ST with the sense of cost. "Progmat" and "ibet", which are widely used as ST platforms in Japan, require a certain cost if you have your own node. The key to the future expansion of ST in Japan will be whether the appeal of such ST is more fully demonstrated and more participating companies such as securities companies and trust banks are willing to participate in the ST field even if they have to pay the cost.

Activate Japan's dormant money

What kind of appeal do you want to deliver through your projects and services, and what do you want to achieve?

Tamoto: Through "ALTERNA," we deliver digital securities funds using ST to individual investors. Through ALTERNA, we would like to provide investment opportunities in large real estate such as hotels, residences, and commercial facilities, which have previously been limited to professional investors such as institutional investors, and create new options for asset formation. ALTERNA also works to give investors a holding experience in addition to monetary benefits by granting benefits when forming the fund. In the future, we are also considering the realization of utility tokens, and are planning to provide investors with a more diverse holding experience and benefits.

By realizing this, we believe that originators who provide investment products will have more opportunities to use ALTERNA as a new means of fundraising. In the future, we are considering being able to handle new real assets such as aircraft and ships in addition to real estate, as well as the intangible assets mentioned above, through ALTERNA. We are also working to realize a regional fund. Specifically, we would like to promote collaboration with local financial institutions in each region and create a money cycle through ALTERNA in which local people invest in symbolic facilities in the region that they feel closer to.

By providing value to both investors and originators, we aim to become a central platform that activates Japan's dormant money and energizes both society and households.

Future outlook ▶︎
ST's challenge is to find a balance between attractiveness and cost. We will provide a variety of holding experiences and benefits in the future.



◉ Eisuke Tamoto

Head of Digital Investment Banking, Mitsui & Co. Digital Asset Management Co., Ltd.

Graduated from the Faculty of Law at the University of Tokyo. Joined LayerX as an intern in March 2019. He was involved in the preparations for the establishment of Mitsui & Co. Digital Asset Management, and was seconded to the company upon its establishment. He established the Digital Investment Banking Department and is in charge of BizDev for the social implementation of digital securities.

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