
Interview with Jangdeok Ko - NFTs add new value to existing industries. What is SBINFT's perspective on social adoption?

2024/08/26Editors of Iolite
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NFTは既存産業にあらたな付加価値を与える 社会普及に向けたSBINFTの視点とはー高長徳インタビュー

The current and future use of NFTs in the business sector

SBINFT operates the SBI Group's NFT marketplace "SBINFT Market." Recently, the company has partnered with Loyalty Marketing Co., Ltd., which operates the common point service "Ponta," to enable users to accumulate Ponta points and use those points to purchase NFTs, and is working to popularize NFTs in society.

In addition to providing a secondary distribution market, the company is also working on the marketing platform "SBINFT Mits" that utilizes NFTs, and is focusing on supporting companies that are looking to utilize NFTs.

How does Mr. Taka, who leads SBINFT, view the current state of Web 3.0 and NFTs, and what value are they trying to deliver to the world?

How do you view the current Web 3.0 field?

Jangdeok Ko (hereinafter, Ko): The NFT field, which had been stagnant for a while after the bubble of 2021 subsided, has seen various cases emerge since the second half of 2023. In particular, there are an increasing number of cases where users can easily understand NFTs, such as major game makers using NFTs in blockchain games and Web 2.0 companies using NFTs to launch new loyalty programs.

On the other hand, there are many cases where NFTs are issued and distributed, but no further experience or value is provided, and it seems that the added value that should be shown is not being found. For companies that have adopted NFTs, we believe that it is important for them to clearly understand why they are using NFTs and use this to improve customer engagement in order to differentiate themselves from other companies.

Realizing "Be the first. Be the standard."

What kind of appeal do you want to deliver through your company's projects and services, and what do you want to achieve?

Ko: SBINFT operates the NFT marketplace "SBINFT Market" that creates liquidity for NFTs, and the marketing platform "SBINFT Mits" that visualizes, cultivates, and fosters companies' loyal customers.

We believe that the characteristics of digital data using blockchain technology such as NFT, such as proof of ownership, transparent transactions, and resistance to tampering, will add new added value to existing industries and create a more convenient society.

Therefore, through our NFT platform service, we would like our partner companies to create many cases while maximizing customer satisfaction for various initiatives using NFT.

In addition, through the best experience and know-how in Japan based on cases with partner businesses and the provision of a wide range of functions through our platform, we will increase the added value that existing companies should show with NFT and spread it to the world, realizing our statement, "Be the first. Be the standard."

Future Outlook ▶︎
Leveraging Japan's best experience and know-how to create a world where existing companies can increase added value with NFTs


◉ Jangdeok Ko

CEO of SBINFT Co., Ltd.

After working as a content business operator since the dawn of the Internet, he has served as a game producer at GMO Media, Yahoo! JAPAN, and other companies. In 2021, he released "nanaku sa," Japan's first integrated NFT marketplace using a public chain. In September of the same year, it became a consolidated subsidiary of SBI Holdings and he became the representative director of SB INFT Co., Ltd. In 2022, he released "SBINFT Market," a rebranding of nanakusa, and in 2023, he released "SBINFT Mits," a comprehensive support service for NFT projects.

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