
Interview with Shinsuke Sato "The Web 3.0 area is at a stage where it is practically ready. Slash will develop a service that will appeal to 97% of the population".

2024/09/17Editors of Iolite
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Web3.0領域は実用的な準備が整った段階 Slashが人口の97%に刺さるサービスを展開するー佐藤伸介インタビュー

Slash plays a role in popularizing Web3.0

What do you think about the current Web 3.0 area?

Shinsuke Sato (hereinafter, Sato): I feel that the current Web 3.0 area is now ready for practical applications between businesses. However, I also recognize that it is still only spreading among people who were originally in the Web 3.0 area.

According to the latest information in 2024, the average global cryptocurrency ownership rate is 6.8%, and it is estimated that there will be more than 560 million users worldwide. Of these, it is said that self-custody wallets, which are necessary to access Web 3.0, are estimated to be about 3%. As such, Web 3.0 is still in its infancy globally, and I think that the application layer operators in this area will be able to show their skills in how they incorporate the remaining 97%.

Regarding the spread of self-custody wallets, it was previously the case that users had to take action to generate them. However, recently, services have emerged that allow you to generate a wallet by registering your email address. I think that wallets themselves will gradually become more widespread if we can overcome the barriers between Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 and create a system where wallets are automatically generated when logging in.

Creating opportunities to use crypto assets with "Slash Card"

What kind of appeal do you want to deliver through your projects and services, and what do you want to achieve?

Sato: Since our founding, Slash has had the vision of "making the transfer of value in crypto assets smooth," and we have been working on various projects as an approach to that goal. For example, we have developed "Slash Payment," a cryptocurrency payment service that allows payments to be made using various cryptocurrencies. This service allows users to recognize that cryptocurrencies are "currencies" without having to worry about fees or the type of payment currency.

The next thing we are trying to do is a service called "Slash Card." Earlier, I mentioned that only 3% of people have self-custody wallets, and the solution to that problem is packed into Slash Card. Slash Card is the first cryptocurrency credit card in Japan that complies with Japanese law and can be used with cryptocurrency as a source of funds. If you have a wallet such as Metamask, you can use it by connecting, and even if you do not have a wallet, you can create a self-custody wallet by registering your email address.

In the future, we plan to strengthen our marketing in Japan using Slash Card. As a Web 3.0 business operator, I believe that the winning strategy is to approach the 97% of people who do not yet have a wallet, and even those who live in Japan among that 97%. On top of that, I would like Slash to take on the role of popularizing self-custody wallets.

Future outlook ▶︎
Approach the 97% of people who do not have self-wallets and find a winning strategy for services aimed at Japan



Shinsuke Sato

CEO of Slash Fintech Limited

Founded Holyday in 2011, whose main business is creative production. Since 2020, he has been developing a payment system development business based in Singapore, and is active as a project management support and development partner in the Web 3 field. In 2021, he began developing the Slash protocol as his first Web 3 project in Singapore, and founded Slash Fintech in the Virgin Islands in May 2022.

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