
The Role of Asia's No.1 Startup Platform — An Interview with Whiplus Wang

2024/08/26Editors of Iolite
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アジアNo.1のスタートアッププラットフォームが担う役割ーWhiplus Wangインタビュー

If you had to sum up the current Web 3.0 field in one word, it would be "opportunities and challenges." What does "division" mean to Whiplus, the person in charge of a large-scale conference?

What do you think about the current Web 3.0 field?

Whiplus: If I had to sum up the current Web 3.0 field in one word, it would be "opportunities and challenges." Although technology has improved compared to a few years ago, I honestly feel that mass adoption is still a long way off. To be more precise, it can be said that only a few people are using Web 3.0.

At "IVS Crypto 2024 KYOTO" held in July this year, of course, given the attributes of the event, it is clear that there was a lot of enthusiasm from business operators, but on the other hand, I believe that there was a division between those who mainly participated in "IVS 2024 KYOTO" held in the other half of the venue. Specifically, those people were not the type of people who were interested in Web 3.0 and had actually created a wallet. I felt that this was one of the issues that needed to be resolved at the next event.

However, there were some positive differences felt through the holding of IVS Crypto. This year, the number of side events increased even further, with 307 events held, about 1.5 times more than last year. I think this maximizes the purpose of participating in the event in a sense.

Responsibility of Asia's No.1 Startup Platform

What kind of appeal do you want to deliver through your company's projects and services, and what do you want to accomplish?

Whiflus: Whether it's Web 2.0 or Web 3.0, we want to resolve the "resource gap." As the No. 1 startup platform in Asia, we believe there are six things we can do. These are "funds," "human resources," "technology," "information," "market," and "policy."

First, regarding funds, we need to create contact points with investors, which is a concern for many people who attend IVS events. As Japan's No. 1 matching platform for entrepreneurs and investors, we will continue to create connections.

Regarding the second point, human resources, we were able to actually achieve results at this year's IVS in that we can gather and connect people involved in next-generation technologies such as AI from both within and outside Japan. We also see the third point, technology, as a strength because it allows us to provide a venue to exhibit cutting-edge technology. The fourth point, information, is also related to these and covers hot topics. The fifth market is where we help develop new markets and bridge projects from overseas to Japan and vice versa.

Finally, the sixth policy is to create connections with policymakers through our events. I believe that current policies and regulations are also a factor in hindering innovation, so we can create a place where such issues can be directly communicated and proposed, and where we can interact.

By fulfilling the role we can play, we believe that we can not only solve the resource disparity, but also realize a sustainable society.

Future Outlook ▶︎
IVS's 6 Very Powerful Strengths fulfilling the role and resolving the resource gap


◉ Whiplus Wang

IVS Crypto 2024 KYOTO Operations Manager

After working as the operations manager of Japan's largest HR event "Global HR Forum Japan" and the engineer and development leader of "Motivation Cloud" at Link and Motivation Co., Ltd., he became independent. After launching several businesses, in 2022, he launched Japan's largest crypto conference IVS Crypto 2023 KYOTO as the operations manager.

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