
“The era when everyone has a wallet” has arrived │ Interview with Takahiro Ishihama

2023/03/29Editors of Iolite
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「皆がウォレットを持つ時代」到来 │ 石濵嵩博インタビュー
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  1. Web3.0×SNS


The era when everyone has a wallet has arrived

Token mechanism that embodies “value”

Changes that can only be brought about by Web3.0-based SNS. Three developments advocated by “Yay!”

With the spread of the Internet, SNS has become a widespread part of daily life. With Web 3.0, which is considered the next generation of the web, the ways to use SNS are expected to become more diverse.

``Yay!'' is a domestic Web 3.0-based SNS that has gained support.

Based on the idea of ​​``a place for everyone'' advocated by CEO Takahiro Ishihama, the number of users continues to expand, especially among young people. Last year, we signed an IEO agreement with domestic cryptocurrency exchange bitFlyer, taking a step toward building sustainable tokenomics.

The future of autonomous decentralized services

Mass “Web3.0 onboarding” will be an important theme in 2023

Ishihama: There is no doubt that future trends in the Web 3.0 area will lead to a situation similar to the one that occurred when GAFA rose to prominence. The keyword for Web3.0 is "Internet of Value." Blockchain is a technology that allows us to attach value and price to things that could not be valued until now. The greatest innovation in human history is the Internet. On the other hand, when asked how much the Internet is worth, it is difficult to give an accurate answer. This is because the Internet itself is nothing more than an autonomous decentralized network with no administrator. However, Ethereum, which has similar properties, has a price attached to it, and its value can be measured accurately. Blockchain tokens can be described as a technology that can put a price on things that have intrinsic value.

Another example is ``STEPN''. The act of ``walking to become healthy'' has value, but until now it has not been possible to put a price on it. An innovation has arisen to set prices based on tokenomics.

I believe that many people will participate in the Internet of Value in the future. At the heart of that experience is the wallet, which in about three or four years will be as ubiquitous as email.

However, the wallet mechanism is currently too complicated for general users. We believe that social networking and games are the key to overcoming this complexity.

They use wallets to play and enjoy games, and overcome their complexities by sharing information with friends on social media. Having friends conduct an onboarding process tailored to each stage will be the first step towards a world where wallets become commonplace.

One of Yay!'s future developments is to make token economics sustainable. The second is to deliver an easy-to-understand UX to users. The third thing is to strengthen horizontal connections, collaborate with other businesses, and involve as many people as possible.

This year's theme is mass onboarding, so we will launch a series of measures.


Takahiro Ishihama

Founded Nanameue ​​Co., Ltd. in May 2013. Engaged in the field of SNS with the theme of "Science of connections". In January 2020, we released "Yay!", a virtual world where anyone can express themselves, based on the concept of "a place for everyone." In April 2022, we completed raising a total of 1.6 billion yen in Series B, and in August of the same year, we signed a contract with bitFlyer, one of the largest crypto asset exchanges in Japan, for an IEO. By building an economic zone on Yay! with tokens and NFTs, we will create a new place for the Web 3.0 era and lead the democratization of social media in Japan.

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