
Are 3D Production Tools Profitable? An In-Depth Look at the Unreal Engine

2023/09/28Editors of Iolite
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Explore how to make money creating 3D models, an essential part of big games and the Metaverse.

With the use of game engines such as Unreal Engine and Unity, anyone can create 3D models to be used in games. We tried to find out if it is possible for a complete amateur to make money by creating 3D models.

Recently, there has been a growing interest in 3D games such as “APEX” and “Fortnite” and the 3D digital space known as the “Metaverse”.

One day, I heard that software called “Unreal Engine (UE),” which can create high-quality graphics in 3D, is available to anyone for free. I heard that anyone can use the software called “Unreal Engine (UE),” which can create high-quality 3D graphics, for free. I heard that anyone can use it for free, and I thought I could make a fortune using it. When the editorial department of this magazine contacted me with this information, I decided to give it a try right away.

The term UGC (User Generated Content) has recently become popular in the world of 3D games, and it is said that users who are not developers are making money by selling content they have created on their own.

The age of the metaverse is coming! If we can create something in 3D from now on, we may be able to make a fortune. This is what I thought of as a dream.

However, I am a complete amateur when it comes to 3D production. Let's start with the basics. So, first of all, let's find out what UE is. First of all, let's find out what UE is.

What is Unreal Engine?

UE is a game engine characterized by beautiful graphics like live-action.

A game engine is “software that handles and streamlines the major processes commonly used in game production. In short, a game engine is a software that makes it easy to create 3D models of nature, houses, people, etc., which are commonly needed in various 3D games.

Among several game engines, UE is used in many games and is very popular as a software that can be used for free. Incidentally, although it is called a game engine, it can also be used to create 3D movies.

UE is developed by Epic Games, a well-known U.S. game company known for its “Fortnite” and other games. It seems that UE is a major engine in the world of game development, as it is used not only in the company's Fortnite but also in other famous software such as “Final Fantasy 7 Remake” and “Dragon Quest XI: The Search for the Past”.

The features of UE include: “Blueprint function allows game development even with limited programming knowledge and experience,” “beautiful graphics like live-action,” “all functions are free,” and “can be used for other purposes than game development.

Incidentally, all the features are free, but the terms of the agreement are that if the total revenue from games and applications created using UE exceeds $1 million, a 5% royalty must be paid. I guess the idea is that if you make a big hit, you have to give back.

However, it is not realistic for a mere amateur to create something and exceed this amount, so there does not seem to be much need to worry about it.

List of Typical Game Engines

As for game engines, it seems that UE and “Unity” are the most famous. According to statistical data, among the engines used in games released on Steam (a platform for selling games for PCs), UE is in first place with a 23% share, and Unity is in second place with an 11% share. These figures are expected to increase further if home video games and smartphone applications are included.

Unity, which is in second place in terms of market share, is inferior to UE in terms of graphics, but is said to be suitable for smartphone application development and small-scale development. In other words, there is a division between UE for higher quality games and Unity for smartphone apps of moderate quality.

In the case of Unity, only some functions are free, but if you want to develop and release a game with multiple developers, you will need to register for the paid version. Furthermore, the company has announced that it will revise its fees next year, and in addition to the existing flat fees, it appears that royalty payments based on revenue and the number of installations will be required.

Further investigation revealed that Unity development requires proficiency in the C# programming language, while UE will require the C++ programming language. However, UE has a feature called “Blueprints” that allows for some development even if you are not that skilled in programming.

In addition, it seems that programming skills are not necessary to the extent of combining assets that are prepared in advance for Unity. However, it is said that you need to have some knowledge of programming to be able to use Unity.

Does this mean that it is impossible for someone without any programming knowledge to create something with UE from scratch?

Let's actually try running the Unreal Engine.

So, a dark cloud was looming over my dream of making a fortune.

Nevertheless, I downloaded UE to my computer and started it up. Of course, it is free of charge, and the installation was quick and easy. When I actually launched UE, a 3D map was already prepared, and I was able to move the terrain freely and move the characters (which looked like inorganic dolls) around.

However, “This is amazing!” I don't want to play a boring game where people can just move around in 3D.

I was not interested in playing a boring game where you can only move people around in 3D.

▶Unreal Engine 5 development screen, where various assets are selected and placed in a 3D digital space to create a map.

▶Unreal Engine's Blueprint function. This function allows users to create various functions in a game by connecting graphical graphs without writing a program.

▶Various assets are available on the Unreal Engine marketplace. By simply combining these assets, you can build a beautiful graphical world.

It is difficult, though not impossible, to earn money by selling assets developed using the Unreal Engine or by producing videos.

However, it is worth learning because the demand from companies is high.

I'm thinking of using UE to make some money, but what can I do with UE in the first place? Can you create something like the Metaverse?

Satake: If you're asking if it's possible to create something like the Metaverse, then yes, but it would be pretty crazy for an amateur to create that by himself or herself. For example, imagine a game that has “super cutting-edge 3D digital beautiful graphics! Imagine a game like that. In the case of making such a game, the budget would be in the billions and the number of members would be in the hundreds, right? It is not something that an individual can make.

It's not something that can be made by an individual. You are absolutely right.

Satake: Also, if you want to do heavy development with UE, you will need a very high-spec PC. There are various hardware requirements, but unless the computer is around 250,000 yen, it will quickly become sluggish and stop working properly.

So you need a high-spec machine that can play the latest computer games. When I hear that, I feel like it's not something that an individual can afford. I heard, “With UE, it's easy to make 3D digital things and earn money,” but maybe that's not realistic?

Satake: I guess it depends on the person, but it is not something that someone who has never done anything like that before can do right away. It will probably take six months to be able to use the functions properly, and several years to become competent enough to be in charge of some of the game development.

So, is it impossible for an individual to develop and release a game quickly and easily?

Satake: There are individuals and small groups of people who have developed and released games, but it is not something that can be done on a part-time basis. And if you use UE, it is for games that put a lot of emphasis on graphics, so I don't think it would be used for personal development.

If you want to make a relatively light game, you generally use Unity or other game engines. Even if you do make a game, whether it sells or not is another matter, and even if you can make 3D models, you know that it doesn't mean you can make an interesting game.

So those who are doing personal development are not making much money?

Satake: Unless you are doing it as a side job or something, it's never easy because the only income is from game sales. Minecraft,” which is still a worldwide hit, came from indie games, but this is the exception to the rule.

Most indie games are a hit if they sell a few hundred copies. Even if you sell 100 copies of a game priced at 1,000 yen, you will only make 100,000 yen. Furthermore, platform fees such as Steam and Apple deduct approximately 30% from the total amount.

In fact, there are some people who want to become independent game developers, but most of them give up because they have to develop for several years without any income, and even if they release a game, they are not sure if it will sell or not.

So, most of them have given up. - Every once in a while, there is a buzz on the Internet about a game developed by an independent developer, but behind that buzz is a large number of games that are not selling. Then, is it impossible for an individual to make money by mastering UE?

Satake: The most direct route is to learn to use UE to some extent by referring to various sites on the Internet, and then apply for jobs in 3D model production, but I'd like to earn money through something other than that.

For example, if you search YouTube, you can find “short animations made with Unity,” so that might be an option. I don't think it's worth the effort to learn UE.

You're absolutely right.

Satake: Also, UE and Unity have stores for selling 3D models, so there may be a way to make money by selling your own 3D models. However, both UE and Unity have a large number of excellent assets available for free, so unless they are very attractive, I don't think they will sell.

Unfortunately, it is also not realistic for an amateur to make money by making a model in a few days. In fact, if you are that good, you should be able to make much more money working as an individual engineer on commission from a company.

Earning tens or hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue from Fortnite?

As I listen to you, I'm beginning to realize that it's a very tough world for an individual to make money by creating 3D models.

Satake: In the meantime, I'll tell you a story that makes you dream a little.Recently, a feature that allows players to create custom content for “Fortnite” has been gaining momentum, and it seems that quite a few creators are earning tens or hundreds of millions of yen.The UEFN (Unreal Editor for Fortnite) tool that can be used to create this content offers a lot of UE functionality, so if you can create content in UE, this might be a good way to get started.

millions of dollars! I'll have to look into this.

So, I immediately looked into UEFN.UEFN is a game production tool released in March 2023 by Epic Games, the company behind “Fortnite” and UE.The idea is that anyone can use it to create a game based on Fortnite.

Although the game can be created within the scope of the Fortnite world, it is possible to create games with unique maps and rules, and since it can use a variety of UE functions, the more capable the user is of using UE, the more freely they can use UEFN.

The system then allows Epic Games to share in the revenue based on the access and popularity of the user-generated content. Forty percent of Fortnite's revenue goes to its creators.

According to an estimate released by Epic Games in May of this year, there are approximately 400 creators who receive more than $100,000 (approximately 14 million yen) per year. Among them, there are 61 creators who receive more than $1 million.It seems that many of them are companies or groups of several people, but it is quite a dream come true.It is not easy to make money by creating 3D models, but if you play games and develop something based on those games, you can have a hobby and a job at the same time.It seems to have more potential than learning to make 3D models from scratch.However, I have only played Fortnite a few times.Therefore, I will be confined to my room to play Fortnite for a while.

▶ Fortnite.

An online game released by Epic Games in 2017, it is a third-person shooter with crafting elements.


Akagawa Makoto

36 years old, freelance writer. He likes to make a little money anyway, and in addition to his day job, he dabbles in a variety of other jobs, including YouTuber, Uber delivery man, clinical trial, and undercover research.He is quick with his footwork, and is always ready to take on new projects as soon as he hears about a good way to make money.

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