
Review of three high-profile titles, including the popular shoot-and-earn game SNPIT Blockchain Game Review Vol 5

2023/11/30Editors of Iolite
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話題の撮影して稼ぐゲーム「SNPIT(スナップイット)」など、注目の3タイトルをレビュー ブロックチェーンゲームレビュー Vol.5

Is the future of blockchain gaming X to Earn or the high quality route?

Industry review 2024.1

Since STEPN, which went viral in the first half of 2022, blockchain games that involve the entire Web 3.0 industry have yet to be created. Nevertheless, new blockchain game titles are emerging one after another, with major blockchain games with development costs in the hundreds of millions and billions of yen gradually starting test play in the second half of 2023.

The result of which of these two approaches will win out in 2024. The result should be clear by 2024.

1. Space Nation

An epic MMORPG set in space

An epic MMORPG set in space, with survival, exploration, PvP and PvE between players and guild battles, with Alpha 2.0 test play in October 2023. More than three years of development have been spent by a team of veteran game producers and film directors, and the visual quality is outstanding.

The aim of the game is for players to explore the universe to discover planets, obtain materials to build spaceships and win battles against other players and guilds to obtain rewards.


A Play to Earn card game that will continue in 2019

Splinterlands is a trading card game released in 2019. It is one of the few long-lived titles among blockchain games with a relatively short lifespan.

The content is very orthodox, with players building their own decks and playing against other players to win, with one of over 40 different rules selected at the start of each match, requiring a different strategy for each match, making the gameplay potentially winnable even for beginners. The game is designed to allow even beginners to win.


Snap to Earn’ - earning money by taking photos

A new blockchain game where players earn tokens by taking photos. Basic play itself is free, but to earn tokens, you must purchase camera NFTs. The system is simple: use the camera NFTs to take photos, compete with other players on the quality of the photos, and win to earn rewards.

The game is scheduled for release by the end of the year after a beta test in October.

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