
The rapidly developing field of AI: Skills and human resources that will come in handy in the future

2023/11/30Editors of Iolite
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目まぐるしく発展するAI領域 これから重宝されるスキルと人材とは| 編集部オススメの最新本・書籍 Vol.5

The contradiction is that the ‘humanities’ are the ones who can lead the way in the latest tech.

How do you survive and compete in the business world in an age where trends are changing at an unusually fast pace? The answer may be found in books.

Predictions that ‘AI will take away our jobs’ have been whispered for some time now, while some experts have come out to say that the humanities have an advantage over the sciences when it comes to handling AI prompts. The latest tech often creates such a singularity that it disrupts the world.

Which is the truth? What will be the medium- and long-term trends? We need continuous ‘knowledge input’ all the time to avoid confusion. However, the rate of this update is accelerating tremendously on a daily basis.

1. humanities personnel are the ones who can make a difference with AI skills!

The age of ChatGPT and other AI services is now inevitable, as AI is beginning to be used in all aspects of business, not just for illustrating or programming.

And AI, which can perform a variety of intellectual tasks by simply typing in words, is definitely something that humanities personnel should also be using. This book provides the basic knowledge and necessary preparation from the ground up to be an indispensable human resource in the coming era.

It covers the basics of AI, including the mindset and AI mechanisms that need to be understood when utilising AI, as well as the latest examples of AI applications. Read this book and start preparing to become an active player in the AI era.

Recommended: ▶︎

Want to learn to survive in the next era

‘Becoming a Humanities AI Worker in the ChatGPT Era’ Purchasehere.

2. the secret to becoming a ‘winning’ organisation even if you are a late starter

This book was selected as one of the 10 best business books of the first half of 2023 in the TOPPOINT Awards, chosen by 10,000 business leaders. The author is Ayumi Saruwatari, CEO of Anchor Japan, a company known for its mobile battery products. The company has achieved No. 1 online market share in most of the product categories it has entered, despite being a latecomer.

The content of the book is an explanation of the habits required for a growing organisation, divided into six categories. The book provides easy-to-understand language for acquiring simple habits that may seem obvious but are difficult to learn, such as overall optimisation, how to create value, and how to learn.

The book uses the term ‘No. 1 thinking’, but it is a guide for all businesspeople, not just those aiming for the top, to develop themselves and their organisations.

Recommended: ▶︎

Learn how to create a ‘winning organisation’ as a leader or manager.

‘Thinking First: Simple Habits That Help Latecomers Grow Faster than Ever’ Buy here.

3. start investing for your happiness

The author, an overseas MBA holder and financial planner, has compiled a book of techniques and habits to ‘save 100 million yen’ even with zero financial knowledge, which he learnt from his investment education in Canada and consulting with 1,000 clients.

Although the title is rather inflammatory, the book is not just about building assets, but also about the fundamental human desires of why we should earn money and how we can be happy. This book will help you to solidify your mindset, which should form the basis of your investment, such as why you invest.

The investment methods introduced are very basic, such as NISA, and the content is very solid, but the book will motivate you to start and continue investing.

Recommended: ▶︎

Get the motivation to start investing.

The ‘Canadian Way’ will keep you happy and your wealth growing! The ‘Canadian way’ will make you a millionaire before you know it! Buy here.

4. a textbook for learning the principles of investment

This book is a ‘proven’ method for saving money and increasing assets, based on over 100 years of investment data from one of the nation's leading data scientists. When thinking about investing, everyone has questions about when, how much and what to buy.

The book is unique in that it provides clear answers to all these investment and savings concerns, with evidence to back them up. The book also provides clear yes/no answers based on data on methods such as diversification and dollar-cost averaging, which are talked about as if they were common knowledge in investment.

The title ‘JUST KEEP BUYING’ translates to ‘just keep buying’. This book will give you the will to ‘keep buying’ with confidence.

Recommended: ▶︎

Want to know the ‘truth’ about saving and investing, backed up by data

JUST KEEP BUYING: The Law of Money and Time that Automatically Increases Your Wealth.Click here to buy

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