Finance & Economy

Share price trends of companies using ChatGPT Find out which stocks to watch in 2024 with insights from experts.

2023/11/29Editors of Iolite
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ChatGPTを活用する企業の株価動向 有識者の考察と共に2024年注目すべき銘柄をみつけよう

Interest in generative AI is exploding.

The rapid evolution of AI technology in recent years has led to the introduction of AI in a variety of fields, and the emergence of ChatGPT has led to an explosion of interest in generative AI.

Microsoft's search engine Bing and Google's interactive AI Bard have also followed suit, and competition is expected to intensify in the future as awareness of generative AI increases.

ChatGPT is an all-purpose AI tool, but the market is crowded with many specialised AI tools that specialise in their respective tasks.

With high growth potential expected in the future, it is expected to provide an exciting asset management challenge, while taking care to diversify risk.

*Data in the table on this page are as of 10/11/2023. (6027) +70.03% (6 months)

Released the AI chat legal advice service Chat Legal Advice.

The company operates a web-based sales support service for lawyers and a legal advice website for general members, and was one of the first to release a ‘chat legal advice alpha version’ utilising ChatGPT.

In August, the Ministry of Justice published guidelines to make it easier to use AI in legal work.

The company intends to actively enter new fields, such as compliant check work. Both sales and profits are expected to continue to grow.

▶▶︎ Reasons for attention.

Rapid growth until around 2019 appeared to have settled down, but AI chat services are once again attracting attention and are on a growth trajectory.

● Headwaters (4011) - 16.41% (6 months)

Developing services to introduce ChatGPT into business systems.

Developing AI-related businesses such as AI platform operation and AI application development, and launching a service for a generative AI platform.

The company has launched a policy of promoting the use of AI for improving business efficiency and developing services, and has also launched an accompanying support service tailored to the level of proficiency of customers in the use of generative AI.

It is expected to become an AI-related flying horse brand.

▶▶︎ Reasons for attention.

Provides solutions for the use of AI for enterprises. Expectations are high for the growth potential of its business model.

●PKSHA Technology (3993) +36.62 (6 months)

Develops AI business improvement systems for enterprises, attracting increased attention amidst the generative AI boom.

Starting from the development of AI algorithms such as deep learning, the company generalises dialogue automation functions, including ChatGPT, and offers them as a SaaS-type service. It offers solutions for various industries, including retail and distribution, automotive and banking, and changed its market segmentation from Growth to Standard in September 2022.

AISaaS has increased the number of new customers and joint development has been successful and operating profit has increased; AISaaS growth is also expected to continue in FY2024 and the company is expected to continue to grow at a high rate in the future.

▶▶︎ Reasons for attention.

A number of projects utilising AI algorithms have attracted interest, and the company's future prospects are promising.

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