
Blossom "What we have is not meaning but the future" - Editor's Note for Iolite vol.6

2024/02/04Editors of Iolite
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blossom「持っているのは意味ではなく未来」——Iolite vol.6 編集後記

Editor's Note "What we have is not meaning but the future"

First of all, I would like to express my heartfelt condolences to all those affected by the earthquake at the beginning of the year.

I sincerely hope that those in the affected areas can return to their daily lives in peace as soon as possible.

Although 2023 has ended and a new year has begun, it has been a difficult year to see the painful events and come to terms with the unbearable feelings and spend each day. It is customary to pray for the health of those who have made connections with us at the first shrine visit of the year, but I hoped that normal life would return to the affected areas as soon as possible.

Early in the new year, I wrote down words of guidance and goals in my notebook.

In last year's notebook, I wrote, "The more rice ripens, the more it bows its head," and this year I added, "Do people who buy flowers really love flowers?" This was written with the meaning of not forgetting the desire to make things that are thoughtful of the events that occur after the things are in people's hands.

This is a story I have once shared through a letter, but I would like to continue it because it was an incident that made me feel the sincerity that goes into making things.

An editorial staff member gave me some GODIVA chocolate cookies. Before I knew it, I had forgotten that I was on a wheat-free diet and was eating them. I looked at the package, interested in the power of the GODIVA brand that inspires such an impulse. The size of the package was somehow elegant, and the transparent package allowed me to see the contents. The GODIVA logo was printed large in the center.

I suddenly noticed that the cut edge of the package was not as wide as we usually see. It was about 2mm from the edge of the bag. It was so far to the edge that a man would have to purse his fingertips to cut it in order to open it. I have no idea what the truth is, and it's just my imagination, but I think it's GODIVA's commitment to sacrificing convenience so that the GODIVA logo in the center of the package would not be cut.

More convenience, more efficiency, more things. That would be great for people, but it was a moment when I realized that the brand has a sense of balance, including subtraction at times.

When I told my friend about this, he told me about a 100-year-old ningyo-yaki shop in Ningyocho. The ningyo-yaki is made to resemble the Seven Lucky Gods, but it seems that there are only six of them. It seems that they are particular about making ningyo-yaki so that customers who eat it will smile gently like the seventh god.

This is a story I heard, so please think of it as a kind of fable.

What we at Iolite can do is contribute to society through information media. Wilbur Schramm, an American scholar who studied communication, is said to have divided the functions of media into three: "watchman, debate, and teacher."

Events occurring in the world are disseminated, and the masses each have their own emotions and opinions. Opinions are organized through debate, and public opinion is formed. Various learnings are then organized and passed on to future generations. After thinking about the origins of media, I was reminded of its important role in society.

In modern times, with the development of social media, this "debate" aspect has been strengthened, and it seems to have an extremely high metabolism and uncontrollable energy. I personally think that I know the horror of social media because I used to work on social media.

Many people find it painful to witness at times, and feel the need to distance themselves from these words. These words become the subject of discussion and debate, and take on a life of their own.

In the business world, the term "butterfly effect" is sometimes used to mean how a very small event can ultimately lead to a major, unexpected event.

Precisely because we work in a profession that uses words, we hope you will think about the story that lies beyond the words you speak.

"Do people who buy flowers really love flowers?"

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