
AI is convenient but faces many challenges | Editor's Recommended Latest Books Vol.6

2024/02/04Editors of Iolite
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便利さと裏腹に多くの課題を抱えるAI| 編集部オススメの最新本・書籍 Vol.6

AI brings with it many questions behind its convenience

In an age where trends change so quickly, how can you survive and compete in the business world? The answer may be found in books.

2023 was the year that "ChatGPT" made its presence known to the world. How will AI affect people's lives? How will business, distribution, and entertainment evolve? Attention is increasing day by day, but the correct answer is still unclear.

What are the disadvantages of AI evolution? Can AI overcome these disadvantages? Is AI really on our side? I would like to pay attention to the future predictions made by several experts about AI, which has such a major contradiction.

1. For all engineers who want to master AI

This book explores how engineers can use ChatGPT, a type of generative AI, to increase productivity. It provides examples of what kind of conversations and questions can be asked in system and app development to elicit useful answers from ChatGPT.

There are many books on the market that introduce the mechanisms and uses of AI technology, but this book is unique in that it focuses on engineers and explains ideas for using it efficiently and effectively.

It is full of useful ideas for engineers who think, "There is a possibility of using AI in my work," or "I want to take another step in my development as an engineer." Read this book to acquire the skills to leave tedious tasks to AI and focus on more creative tasks.

Understand AI technology to make your work more efficient

"An introduction to using ChatGPT for engineers: A collection of ideas for reducing workload with AI"Purchase here

2.How will AI change "employment" and the "economy"?

With the rapid development of AI technology, people are starting to whisper that "human jobs will be taken over by AI."

Even people who a few years ago believed without a doubt that "no matter how much technology advances, there are jobs and creativity that only humans can do" can't help but wonder, "Are we finally going to see a lot of people lose their jobs in earnest?" in the face of this reality.

So how will "employment" change due to AI and what impact will it have on the world's "economy"? What jobs will actually be lost, and what are the things that only humans can truly do? This book answers these questions and predicts the changes that will occur over the next few years due to AI from a realistic perspective.

For those of you concerned about AI taking over your job

"AI Unemployment: How will artificial intelligence take our jobs?"Purchase here

3.Get to know the latest trends and topics from around the world at a glance

This book is a compilation of the latest trends, important topics, and keywords from the world, compiled by MUFG's think tank and consulting firm. All of the topics covered are important and cannot be ignored for Japan and the world in 2024.

Specifically, the topics covered are very wide-ranging, including "global economic inflation," "US interest rates," "countermeasures against declining birthrates and child-rearing support," "sustainability," "population trends and regional revitalization," "geopolitical risks," and "international society."

Rather than overly viewing these topics as dangerous or talking about unrealistic optimism, the book provides objective and realistic information. This book is recommended for those who want to acquire basic knowledge to think about work and life, and those who want to update their general knowledge.

All the knowledge and culture you need to survive in 2024 in one book

"This is what Japan will be like in 2024"Purchase here

4.A classic book on NFT and cryptocurrency taxes

This book provides a detailed explanation of the special provisions of each tax law regarding crypto assets, such as income tax, corporate tax, and inheritance tax. The two authors are Japan's leading experts in this field, with backgrounds as an associate professor at Toyo University's Faculty of Law and a tax accountant (Mr. Izumi) and the representative of Auria Accounting Office (Mr. Fujimoto).

Many books like this only explain the law, but this book also explains how to calculate profit and loss based on specific trading examples, with an eye toward the practical aspects of tax returns. It is also well-designed for beginners who have little knowledge of the tax system, crypto assets, and NFTs, and explains technical terms and special mechanisms in easy-to-understand terms.

This is a must-read for anyone trading crypto assets or NFTs, whether they are a company or an individual. It is a must-read for those who have made a profit but don't really understand taxes.

For everyone who wants to know about taxes on income earned from NFTs and crypto assets

"Understanding Taxation of NFTs and Crypto Assets with Case Studies (2nd Edition)"Purchase here

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