Personifying "cryptocurrency"! What is the appeal of "Coin Musme"?

2024/07/29Editors of Iolite
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“仮想通貨”を擬人化! 「コインムスメ」の魅力とは?

What is "Coin Musme" which is based on real virtual currency?

"Coin Musume" is a blockchain game with an idol motif developed by Eureka Entertainment Ltd. The game involves producing and battling idols that are personified virtual currencies (crypto assets) such as ETH and OAS, and features a Play to Earn (earn virtual currency while playing) element.

One of the features of this game is that it is easy for beginners to play, utilizing the know-how and knowledge of Japanese social games. Although it features elements such as tokens (virtual currencies) and NFTs, it is easy to play even if you do not have knowledge of them. Many conventional blockchain games require a certain amount of knowledge and preparation before playing, but this game is designed so that anyone can easily start playing, so even beginners can play with confidence.

In addition, since it is personified as a real virtual currency, it is not only fun as an idol production game, but also has the great appeal of being able to learn about virtual currencies naturally at the same time.

In addition, it is also worth noting that the company has publicly stated that it will keep development costs, advertising costs, and operating costs to the limit and maximize the return to users through Play to Earn. This game is called "Gacha 3.0" and has declared that 80-90% of the game sales will be returned to the ecosystem. To put it simply, most of the sales that developers and platforms received in conventional games will be returned to users.

One of the attractions of blockchain games is the possibility of earning virtual currency through gameplay. It has been declared that most of the sales will be invested as the source of funds.

It is known that blockchain games are not sustainable with the business model of "operating companies earn money from gacha sales" like conventional managed games. This game recognizes this issue and is trying to realize a sustainable blockchain game by maximizing the return to users while increasing the excitement of the game as a whole.

Coin Musume's System

Coin Musume consists of two games: "Arena Battle" where you organize virtual currency idols and battle, and "Rise and Fall Rate Race" where you predict the price movement of real virtual currency.

▶ Arena Battle. In the Arena Battle, you choose one idol for each of the five battle stages, and compete against the idol chosen by your opponent using the parameters set by the stage. After the five-stage battle, if you win three or more times, you win, but if you win two or less, you lose.

▶Rise and fall rate race. Win MSM tickets by predicting the cryptocurrency coin girl with the highest price rise rate (lowest price fall rate) during the event period. You can vote for your favorite, or seriously predict the price fluctuations.

In the arena battle, players organize virtual currency idols obtained through gacha and other methods, and aim to win by utilizing their skills. If you win a battle, you will receive "CP (character points)", and after the battle, you will have the chance to increase your CP by playing "High & Low".

High & Low is a type of card game in which you predict whether the face-down cards in the player's hand are higher (High) or lower (Low) than the cards displayed on the table. The CP earned through these games will become voting rights for the rate of increase/decrease race. In the rate of increase/decrease race, players predict the real price movements of the virtual currency that is the motif of each personified idol, and if their prediction is correct, they will receive the virtual currency MSM.

When predicting the price movements of real virtual currencies, players can refer to other users or listen to the opinions of other players in the community described below, so even beginners can easily get started. In the rate of increase/decrease race, you will be asked to predict the price movement for a specific period, but some races, such as "predicting the price movement for 10 minutes," are essentially decided by luck, so you can have fun by voting for your favorite girl without thinking too hard.

It can be said that the game system allows you to support a virtual currency idol while playing the game, and gradually understand real virtual currencies. Many blockchain games have communities using the chat app Discord. This is an online community where users who are interested in specific games gather and enjoy discussions and chatting about games.

Especially when playing a blockchain game for the first time, it is useful to ask someone questions about the game, virtual currency, NFTs, etc. It is free to join, so download the Discord app on your PC or smartphone and register.

Coin Musume also has its own Discord community, which is bustling every day. There is a lot of interaction between players, questions, and chatting, so it should be easy for those who want to know the atmosphere of blockchain games to join. Also, due to the nature of the game, topics related to virtual currency are widely covered from basic to advanced, so it is also an opportunity for beginners to learn about virtual currency.

In addition, various events are held around Musume-chan, the public relations character. There are events such as the "Happy Birthday Fan Art Contest" for your favorite idol and the "Coin Price Increase Prediction Event", and you can get in-game gacha tickets, so it's a good deal just to participate.

If you want to get a feel for Coin Musume, follow Musume-chan's official account (@coinmusme_JP) and join the Discord community from the profile section.

Coin Musume also holds live performances by voice actors who voice the personified idol characters. In this way, despite being a blockchain game, it is becoming a title that is cultivating real excitement at a level comparable to conventional smartphone games.

Until now, blockchain games have only been popular among a few cryptocurrency enthusiasts, to put it harshly, but Coin Musume is a title that strongly conveys the intention to broaden its base.

Coin Musume will hold a CBT in June 2024 and is scheduled to be released within 2024. It is definitely a title that can be recommended to those who want to try playing blockchain games, so follow the official X and look forward to the release.

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