
Entertainment "Continuing to be a professional" - Iolite vol.9 Editor's Note

2024/07/29Editors of Iolite
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Entertainment「仕事人で居続けること」—— Iolite vol.9 編集後記

Editor's Note "Continuing to be a professional"

When asked what surprised him most about humans, the Dalai Lama, the supreme leader of Tibetan Buddhism, answered:

"Humans sacrifice their health to make money. Then they use that money to become healthy..."

Which came first, the chicken or the egg? This famous quote, which was like a back-and-forth argument, made me think a lot.

It is said that in primitive times, the amount of calories consumed by humans was about 2,000 kcal per person per day. In modern times, it seems to be more than 240,000 kcal per person per day. I think we have certainly become richer thanks to industry, agriculture, commerce, transportation, etc.

On the other hand, I wonder if we are 120 times happier than in the atomic age. Can we wear 120 times better clothes, eat 120 times better food, and get 120 times better quality sleep? I think numbers are a really rough measure.

In these days of accelerating development of AI, in the future when people's jobs are replaced, we may not even be able to work with other people. If we only think about productivity, even working with other people may be inefficient. So why do we work while interacting with others? I have come to the conclusion that work is the greatest luxury and the greatest entertainment. The reason I work with others is because it's fun. Nothing more, nothing less. I truly believe that's fine.

Some people may be stubborn and think that they shouldn't do work that isn't fun. Certainly, depending on the level you're in, that's also acceptable, but knowing the origins of the kanji character "raku" (fun) broadens your horizons. It is said that it originally derived from entertaining gods with the lively sounds of tools used in prayer. Considering the origins of this kanji character, the target of the emotion you try to move using this kanji (tool) is not yourself, but a third party (god). The vector of "raku" is not directed toward yourself, but toward the outside. If you think about it a little more flexibly, isn't it interesting that you can also see work as something you do to entertain others?

I feel that the desire to be useful to someone and to entertain someone through work is the greatest luxury and the greatest entertainment.

On Marine Day, July 15th, there was a studio shoot for a certain idol. I had worked with them about six months ago, shortly after their debut, and I felt a solid core that I didn't feel at the time. I was moved by how they have become even more attractive as people and have become more spirited through their many experiences. During the interview, I learned that the literal translation of "Idol" is "idol." The word "idol," which refers to a person or thing that is worshiped, must be a good pressure for these girls. The strong desire, which is similar to their belief that "we want to be a presence that entertains and encourages fans," scattered throughout the interview, truly symbolizes their "work" as a profession in entertainment. It was a day that gave me a higher resolution of the feeling that work is entertainment. Back to the beginning. People may not sacrifice their health for money. People may sometimes sacrifice themselves to entertain others. Entertainment gives intense pleasure to both the sender and the receiver. People who are addicted to this pleasure work for someone.

Are you the best worker for someone?

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