
Investing in knowledge always pays off the best | Editor's Recommended New Books Vol.9

2024/07/29Editors of Iolite
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知識に対する投資は、いつでも 最高の利益を生み出す|編集部オススメの最新本・書籍 Vol.9

Picking out the latest AI-related books

In an era where trends change at an incredibly fast pace, how can we survive and fight in the business world?

The answer may be found in "books"

"Fools learn from experience, wise men learn from history," but this is probably because the failures and successes that individuals have experienced are only one-time events and we do not know whether they can be repeated. The value of learning from history is that there are countless success stories and failure stories, and from among them we can find commonalities that can be applied to our current selves. In order to face the challenges we need to tackle head-on and to find the optimal solution derived from a huge amount of data, let's dive into the sea of ​​books.

1. Generative AI: The true winner

Who will be the winner in the "AI era"?


The generative AI industry is currently undergoing the most rapid changes and fierce competition. This book explains the "five battles for supremacy" that have erupted there, dividing them into "AI models", "AI semiconductors", "platforms", "inter-nation competition", and "humanity vs. AI". It is not a book that introduces the usual ways to use generative AI, but rather explains the state of the industry surrounding generative AI based on the on-site interviews and vast knowledge of the author, who is a reporter stationed in Silicon Valley. For each theme, the history and facts leading up to the present are carefully introduced, so you can get a bird's-eye view of "what is the generative AI industry now?" This is a must-read for business people involved in new businesses and service planning using generative AI, and for everyone interested in the present and future of the generative AI industry.

Recommended▶︎ to those who wants to understand the present and future of the generative AI industry

Click here to purchase "Generative AI's True Winner"

2. The most easy-to-understand textbook on regional revitalization in Japan - 45 completely new methods and new common sense

Learn about the future of "regional revitalization"


As you know, the movement to revitalize regions has been accelerating in Japan recently. With the problem of Tokyo's overconcentration and depopulation in the regions, how can we revitalize the regions? This book tackles this problem head-on and teaches concrete know-how. "× Create new tourist spots → ○ Use SNS to increase inbound tourism" and "× Famous tourist destinations win → ○ SNS + experience-based services, there is a chance to win anywhere" are just armchair theories, but many methods to achieve regional revitalization in a realistic manner are introduced in a Q&A format. In particular, the book focuses on important issues related to regional revitalization, such as attracting companies, promoting tourism, and developing human resources, and should be of help to all those involved in regional revitalization.

Recommended▶︎ to those who wants to gain know-how and ideas for regional revitalization

Purchase "Japan's most understandable textbook on regional revitalization -- 45 completely new methods and new common sense" here

3. The future changed by generative AI -- The accelerating digital nature revolution -- Edited by Yoichi Ochiai

A beginner's guide to generative AI


A book on generative AI named after Yoichi Ochiai, who is in high demand in the media. The content is very light, and the various ways in which generative AI can be used are written in an easy-to-understand manner for beginners, so it should be easy to read even for beginners who have just become interested. In addition, many examples are introduced of industries and businesses that can utilize generative AI, and even mentions how to use it in practice. There are almost no difficult topics, and the book is easy to understand, which is its feature. On the other hand, the author's unique views and predictions are published throughout, and the original interview article titled "The Boundary Between Life and Computers" is also very interesting. This book is aimed at readers who like Yoichi Ochiai and are also interested in generative AI.

Recommended ▶︎ for those who want to use generative AI in the future

Click here to purchase "The Future Changed by Generative AI - The Accelerating Digital Nature Revolution "

4. BIG THINGS - What did the guys who accomplished something so big do?

What determines the success or failure of a large-scale project?


This book explains the success and failure factors of large-scale projects based on actual examples. The author is a professor at Oxford University who has accumulated and researched over 16,000 cases of megaprojects worth over $1 billion from around the world. If you have experience working on a project, you will know that projects usually do not go as expected. This book also introduces many cases where the budget exceeded the initial budget, the schedule was extended, and the benefits were reduced. And as a means to avoid this, many countermeasures are described. The content is based on data, so it is convincing, and has universality regardless of the size of the project, so it should be a hint for many working people to lead projects to success.

Recommended▶︎ for those who wants to learn the golden rules for leading projects to success

Click here to purchase "BIG THINGS - What did the guys who accomplished something so big do?"

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