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Exclusive interview with former Japan national soccer team player Tomoaki Makino: What is his professional mindset as he works towards his next goal of becoming a manager?

2024/07/29Editors of Iolite
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サッカー元日本代表・槙野智章 独占インタビュー 次なる目標“監督業”への取り組みからみるプロフェッショナルな思考とは──

PHOTO & INTERVIEW Tomoaki Makino "From professional soccer player to unprecedented manager: The essence of unique team building"

Mr. Makino, you have been a professional soccer player in Japan and overseas. Please tell us about your current activities based on your career history.

Tomoaki Makino (hereinafter, Makino): After playing as a professional soccer player for 17 years, I am now working towards my next goal of becoming a professional soccer team manager, and I am currently working on obtaining my license. I am also currently working on three axes: running a men's cosmetics company that I started myself, and working as a talent in the mass media.

You have played in many games for the Japanese national team. Please tell us how did you feel when you played? Was there any pressure?

Makino: Playing in a club match is not much different, but I think the biggest differences are the responsibility and determination. At the club, I played with responsibility and determination for the players and supporters, but when it comes to the Japanese national team, I carry the feelings of the other players who want to be there, and the expectations of the people of Japan, so I feel a different kind of responsibility and determination.

Still, to be honest, I never felt any pressure. The joy was always greater than the pressure.

As we know you started a men's cosmetics company, "HALTEN JAPAN LIMITED," while you were still playing. Why did you choose this timing?

Makino: I wanted to start a company when I was at my most valuable. It was also at this point that I realized what people wanted from me, so I started the company without waiting to retire.

During the Russia World Cup, I was in the top five in the "Best Haircut Ranking," and at events and talk shows, I was asked more questions about my appearance, clothes, and hairstyle than about soccer.

For example, Honda Keisuke is asked more about business, and Nagatomo Yuto is asked more about body building and nutrition, so while each player has their own character, there are things that are asked of me in terms of fashion. I recognized that and wanted to give it form.

Giving back as a coach because I fell in love with soccer and was raised by it - that's what started me.

You're currently active in a wide range of fields, including a soccer team manager, commentator, and TV personality. Is there anything you keep in mind or a mindset you have in all your activities?

Makino: I'm always conscious of whether my activities are leading towards my goal. My next goal is to become a manager of a professional soccer team, so I think about what kind of work I need to do to get there and what is necessary, and I also work as a talent while imagining what an ideal manager would be.

After all, I fell in love with soccer and was raised by it, so I have a strong desire to give back and give back not as a player but as a coach.

Please tell us specifically about your ideal image of a manager.

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