
Discussing security challenges facing the world after 2024 | KEKKAI CEO To Ma

2024/04/02To Ma
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Discussing security challenges facing the world after 2024 | KEKKAI CEO To Ma
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  1. Web 3.0 Security Topics

Web 3.0 Security Topics

The CEO of a Japanese Web 3.0 security company discusses emerging security issues

Over the last year, the amount of illegal capital outflows in the entire Web 3.0 market was $1.8 billion (HACKD3D 2023 ANNUAL REPORT).

This figure is about half of the damage amount of $3.7 billion in 2022. The decrease is likely due to technical updates, improved user literacy, and the bear market environment.

The security service "KEKKAI" provided by our company also achieved user growth last year, and we feel that it has contributed to reducing damage.

However, significant damage is still occurring in the Web 3.0 area, and the amount of damage may increase further due to the increase in market capitalization due to the bull market expected this year and next year.

Analyzing the breakdown of damage, the damage caused by the leakage of private keys was low at 47 cases, but accounted for nearly half of the total damage amount. KEKKAI is also paying attention to technical updates in this area, and it is also an area that will be carefully checked in the new code auditing business "KEKKAI Audit".

Web 3.0 Security Trends in 2024

This year, with events such as the Bitcoin halving and Ethereum's "Dencun" update, we can expect very positive movements, which is evident from recent price movements.

Looking at it from a different angle, this can also lead to an influx of new users.

On the other hand, an increase in new users may lead to more hacking damage, and it is quite possible that the highest amount of damage recorded in 2022 will be surpassed.

It is essential that individual users recognize the existence of such risks and take measures. We have developed an app and browser extension to reduce damage caused by phishing.

We are currently contributing to the protection of tens of billions of user assets. If you feel any anxiety about managing your crypto assets, we hope that you will use our products and that this will lead to the preservation of assets for more people.

KEKKAI also keeps a close eye on market trends. After all, the areas that you are paying attention to are naturally also the focus of hackers, and there are many cases where security solutions are required.

Recently, we at KEKKAI have been actively researching and developing security around the Bitcoin ecosystem.

Especially when investing in areas like Web 3.0, in addition to phishing, there are many cases of exit scams, where scammers steal operating funds.

We would like all users entering the Web 3.0 area to be careful of such scams.

However, it is true that this type of scam is difficult to notice. It is a good idea to check the investors, team, white paper, etc., and if you are unsure, ask for advice from someone you can trust.

However, it is very dangerous to blindly accept the opinions of third parties, including influencers, so no matter what, remember to be careful and judge the situation carefully.



◉To Ma
CEO of KEKKAI Co., Ltd. After graduating from high school, he came to Japan from China and started a business while attending university. In January 2023, he established KEKKAI Co., Ltd., which provides blockchain security solutions. Currently, he has released the Web 3.0 security product "KEKKAI Plugin" that can detect risks through transaction simulation analysis, an API/SDK service that can detect NFT fraud and simulate transactions, and a Web 3 code audit business for corporations. In the future, he plans to improve current services and release products to improve user security from various angles, contributing to improving the environment of the entire industry.

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