
GIANT KILLING Vol. 2 -- Tomoko Wada, Japan Women's University, WeCreate3

2023/07/27Editors of Iolite
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GIANT KILLING Vol.2——日本女子大学・WeCreate3 和田朋子

Social Contribution Project Contributes to Web 3.0 Mass Adoption

User-friendly products and social contribution projects that leverage the public nature of crypto assets will contribute to the mass adoption of Web 3.0

Excited about the possibilities of Web 3.0

--What are you currently studying at Japan Women's University? Also, what made you decide to major in your current department (Department of Mathematical, Physical and Information Sciences, Faculty of Science)?

Tomoko Wada (Wada): Currently, I am a member of the Cryptology Laboratory, where I study cryptography used in various parts of modern society. Specifically, I am learning about classical cryptography to the basic theory of public companion cryptography, and its application to cryptographic assets and blockchain.

I applied to the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Information Science because of my interest in the “information society. Society is actively promoting the introduction and use of digital technology, and while there is a positive aspect of convenience, it is also thought to be accompanied by some negative aspects.

Specifically, online meetings are becoming less rich in human connections and experiences. Therefore, I chose my current department because I wanted to study the structure of things that support the “information society” in concrete terms.

--Wada:Do you have any products that utilize blockchain technology that you are paying attention to?

Wada: The product I am focusing on is “Umi Protocol,” which I saw a presentation of when I attended my first Web 3.0 event. I attended my first Web 3.0 event when I was interested in Web 3.0 and saw a presentation on the Umi Protocol. Wasabi, who was speaking at the event, said that the vision behind the Umi Protocol was to “give liquidity to value that cannot be measured by the current economic network and to realize optimal resource distribution for all network participants.

In the current economic network, only a limited number of assets enjoy liquidity, but Umi will extend this to provide liquidity for values that include, among others, non-standardized products and human capital. I was excited by the possibilities of Web 3.0 in that it can provide liquidity to values that could not be measured by the current economic network.

WeCreate3, a student organization

▶︎WeCreate3: Student-led organization from across the country that disseminates accurate information about the potential and safety of the Web 3.0 domain.

▶︎5The “Student Web3 & Metavers Super Conference Vol. 3” was held in May at the Accenture Innovation Hub Tokyo in Minato-ku, Tokyo, and featured sessions by entrepreneurs representing the Web3.0 and Metaverse domains, as well as a lecture by Masaaki Taira, a member of the House of Representatives.

--How do you get involved in the Web 3.0 and blockchain fields on a daily basis?

Wada: On a daily basis, I am active in a student organization called “WeCreate3” to explore the interface between Web 3.0 and society. This organization aims to spread the correct awareness of Web 3.0 and holds student-led study groups and events.

In our activities at WeCreate3, we place importance on sharing basic knowledge about Web 3.0 and blockchain, and having discussions among students. We strive to make this a place where participating students can share their thoughts and gain a deeper understanding of not only the technical aspects, but also the impact on society.

In addition, despite the fact that the Japanese government has positioned Web 3.0 as part of the country's growth strategy, there are still deep-rooted misunderstandings and prejudices in Japanese society regarding crypto assets and other related issues. Therefore, we are committed to share accurate information about the potential and safety of blockchain with people and to eliminate misconceptions.

--How much attention and awareness of Web 3.0 do you perceive among students? Also, what kind of activities and products do you think are necessary for mass adoption?

Wada: To be honest, I don't think students' awareness of Web 3.0 is high (laughs). Many students may not know much about Web 3.0 technologies and concepts, but I think many students know the word NFT. Therefore, I think that NFT is one key that will play an important role in the mass adoption of Web 3.0.

On the other hand, I personally believe that the acceptance and utilization of crypto assets in Japan requires careful discussion and consideration. If crypto assets are to support a new economy, I think it is important to spread them in a widely accepted manner.

We believe that user-friendly products that help people understand the value of crypto assets and actively use them, and social contribution projects that take advantage of the public nature of crypto assets will help the mass adoption of Web 3.0.

I want to create a world where each person's individuality and abilities are recognized as valuable and evaluated accordingly.

--Lastly, please tell us about your future challenges.

Wada:What I would like to challenge in the future is to properly evaluate human capital using cryptographic assets and to reflect the value of human capital in society. In particular, I feel that the welfare, nursing care, medical care, and other occupations are essential to society, but the workers are not adequately valued for the amount of work they perform.

Web 3.0 is a distributed platform that emphasizes individual autonomy. This can be used to build an evaluation system based on an individual's skills and contributions.

In addition, when individuals work within an organization, there is often a gap between the evaluation of the organization as a whole and their evaluation as individuals. We believe that Web 3.0 technology can be used to link these evaluations and create a consistent system.

Ultimately, we hope to see a world in which society recognizes not only the production of goods and services, but also the individuality and abilities of each person as valuable, and evaluations are made accordingly. Ultimately, I hope to see a society in which activities that have not been compensated in the past, such as domestic work in the home, are also evaluated and compensated.


Tomoko Wada

Tomoko Wada is a fourth-year student in the Department of Mathematics, Physics and Information Science at Japan Women's University. She belongs to a laboratory specializing in cryptography. She is studying the technical background of cryptographic assets and blockchain, and exploring how these specialized topics can contribute to society. He is also a member of a student organization called “WeCreate3,” which promotes information that is relevant to the Web3 era, examines how the technology will affect society, and creates contacts from a student standpoint. Through this activity, we promote the understanding and dialogue necessary for the new digital age.

Japan Women's University

Japan Women's University was founded as Japan's first organized institution of higher education for women, and celebrates its 120th anniversary in 2021. It is the only private women's university with a science department, and is a women's comprehensive university with an educational environment that integrates the humanities and sciences. The university opened the Faculty of International Cultural Studies this year, and plans to open new faculties in the future, including the Faculty of Architecture and Design in 2024 and the Faculty of Food Science (tentative name, currently under planning) in 2025. Under the tagline “I move, the world opens. The university will nurture human resources who can learn by themselves, act by themselves, and create new values under the tagline of “I move, the world opens up.

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