Will quantum technology change the world? The mysteries and future of quantum computers

2023/07/27Editors of Iolite
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The truth is, people don't really know much about it. The mysteries and future of quantum computers explained.

Quantum technology, such as quantum computers, is often talked about as the latest technology that will change the future. But what exactly is a quantum computer? How will it change society?

We asked some of the mysteries surrounding quantum technology, from the misconception that they have more amazing processing performance than today's computers, to whether or not Japan has the potential to lead the world.

Quantum computers are often mentioned in the news. Why is quantum computing attracting so much attention?

Mr A: The theory and technology involved in quantum computers is very difficult, so I will try to simplify it as much as possible. The word quantum comes from ‘quantum mechanics’, a branch of physics. This is the study that describes and elucidates the molecules and atoms, which are the units that make up matter, and the electrons that make them up.

Quantum technology is the application of the theories and phenomena of quantum mechanics to create unconventional science and technology. And among quantum technology, quantum is particularly applied to the development of computers, which are called quantum computers.

Mr B: The reason why the term quantum computer has recently started to appear in the news is that quantum computers, which had been talked about in theory, have actually been developed and put into operation over the past few years. However, we are still at the stage where some large companies and specialised institutions have finally started to operate a kind of trial machine.

A: The computer technology that formed the basis of the personal computers and smartphones we use today was initially used only by a very limited number of people in the fields of science and technology. This was followed by home computers, which became available to the general public, and then by the explosion of smartphones.

If we compare the history of computers to this, the quantum computer is still in its early stages and is only used by a few researchers.

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Iolite Vol.12

Iolite Vol.12

March 2025 issueReleased on 2025/01/30

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Iolite Vol.12

March 2025 issueReleased on 2025/01/30
Interview Iolite FACE vol.12 Chainalysis Japan, Masahiko Uchida, Messari Japan CEO/DeFimans Inc. CEO and Co-founder, Taishi Sato PHOTO & INTERVIEW Darenogare Akemi Special feature: "What is Ethereum? Approaching the light and darkness of Ethereum," "What will happen to Bitcoin in 2025? A thorough explanation of important topics and future prospects," "2025 cryptocurrency trend forecast: Events that weave the history of cryptocurrencies and a calendar of future predictions" Special interview: Takuya Tsuji, CEO of Techcross Inc. x Yoichi Wada, former CEO of Square Enix Series Tech and Future Sasaki Toshinao...etc.